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Current conditions for accommodation

Dear guests, we are glad to welcome you again in our complex after a long time. Please observe the current conditions that apply in connection with the measures to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Thank you

Currently valid:

Accommodation is possible if the accommodated:

It shows no signs of disease and meets one of the following conditions: (i) has passed a negative PCR test no more than 7 days ago; 19, and at least 22 days must have elapsed since this dose; iv) has undergone laboratory-confirmed covid-19 disease, the isolation period has elapsed and no more than 180 days have elapsed since the first positive antigen or PCR test.

He shall prove by confirmation from the employer that he completed the self-test with a negative result no later than 72 hours ago.

He / she shall submit a solemn declaration, resp. a solemn declaration by his legal representative that he completed a self-test at school no later than 72 hours ago with a negative result.

They will undergo a preventive antigenic self-test upon entering the premises with a negative result.

By being present in the complex, the guest confirms that he meets one of the above conditions.


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